252398655 23 portrait wDerin Yilmaz, a Grade 12 student at Assumption high school, poses for a professional portrait taken by his classmate Evan Piatkowski, left, during 6th Annual High School Entrepreneurship Summit held at The Accelerator Wednesday. NICK BRANCACCIO / WINDSOR STAR

Originally posted by The Windsor Star

A future wave of young entrepreneurs got to see  Wednesday how other like-minded people turned hopes and dreams into working enterprises.

Almost 150 high school business students from the public, Catholic and French-language boards took part in the 6th annual High School Entrepreneurship Summit held at the Accelerator.

Originally posted by The Windsor Star

Highlighting the important contributions of small businesses across the province, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce launched a campaign Monday called Small Business Too Big to Ignore.

Originally posted on MediaPlex

The Downtown Accelerator is helping Windsor’s economy by training, teaching and investing in one entrepreneur at a time. 

In 2011, the Accelerator was created to fund the growth of local businesses. As of 2018, it had an economic impact of $20 million according to a report on the Accelerator’s website. An eclectic array of businesses here includes: a Libro Credit Union branch, Bam Bam’s Boxing Club and Fitness, an Invisalign Braces office, a woodworking shop and an art studio.